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Application for Pinal County Workforce Development Board Membership

This application process takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.

If you experience any technical difficulties during the application process, please email or call (520) 866-8088

The Pinal County Workforce Development Board (PCWDB), appointed by the Pinal County Board of Supervisors and certified by the Workforce Arizona Council (State Workforce Board) is charged with providing strategic guidance and direction for federal, state, and local workforce development funds and programs. The PCWDB oversees the ARIZONA@WORK Pinal County network of public and private partners, to coordinate a cohesive strategy for talent development within the county.


Pinal County Workforce Development Board Membership Commitments

  • Membership terms may vary from 2-3 years depending on the membership category. 
  • 4-5 hours per month 
  • The full board meets every month with meetings lasting 1-2 hours
  • Committees may meet monthly with meetings lasting approximately 1 hour 
  • May occasionally serve on other ad hoc groups or planning task force as needed. 

Business Address

Which of the following best describes your membership application?

Click on the membership category below to view a description. 

Business Sector



Education and Training

Which membership category do you represent?

Can you commit to 4-5 hours per month to support PCWDB's activities?

Board members will be asked to participate in committees or work groups from time to time. Are you able to commit to participating in such groups?

Please let us know which leadership position(s) you may be interested in.

Please upload below either a Resume or a Letter of Recommendation. 

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Board Conflict of Interest Acknowledgement

A county government, which upholds high standards of integrity and impartiality, is a cornerstone of the democratic way of governance. The County has published policies to provide meaningful guidance to employees, elected and appointed officials, volunteers, and the members of appointed boards and commissions. 

A personal commitment to sound, ethical decisions is essential to Pinal County's continued long-term success. Maintaining the County's reputation for integrity is a crucial factor in maintaining the public's trust, and each employee, elected and appointed official, volunteer, and member of an appointed board is a personal steward of that reputation and must comply with A.R.S. § 38-504. 

The Pinal County Workforce Development Board (PCWDB) is appointed by the Pinal County Board of Supervisors (Chief Local Elected Official) in accordance with Section 107 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. As such, members of the PCWDB are members of an appointed board and are held accountable to operate in this role in accordance with the most current Pinal County Ethics in County Employment and Conflict of Interest Policies published by the Pinal County Human Resources Department.

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